Saturday, April 5, 2008

And now for something completely different...

My apologies to a few recent events for not having their posts up yet. Last week, following Saturday weddings, we went on a field trip to Washington D.C.

Sunday was spent driving.. Monday I attended a photography seminar with some really creative photographers from North Carolina. We'll be trying out some new techniques in the weeks to come.

Then on Tuesday we got to play. Off to see a little bit of history, we landed at Mt. Vernon, home of George Washington.
Timing is everything... when we arrived at the tomb of George and Martha, a ceremony was about to begin in honor of the President and his wife.
Being one of the only veterans in the group, I was asked to participate in laying a wreath at the President's tomb. Not something that happens every day, I was honored. The fellow standing next to me is currently in the military. Hard to believe, isn't it?

George and Martha had a pretty cool place there on the Potamic, and we had a great time touring it. I highly recommend seeing this part of history if you're ever in the area. See more on that here

Driving back into DC, we made a stop at the marina where we had lunch and watched the planes land at Regan International. Not a bad way to spend the afternoon...

Then we walked all around the mall taking shots of the monuments and the cherry blossoms. What fun!

Naturally, a bride would appear... and naturally I would take a shot! She was waiting on her photographers, and the groom, to take photos at the Thomas Jefferson Memorial.

Just for the record, if anyone's interested in meeting me in DC for a bridal or engagement session at the Jefferson Memorial, let's talk about it...

Then we found a pretty cool place to take night shots of the city.

On our way out of town we made a stop at the National Cathedral for a little inspiration and some photo ops you just don't get every day. Again, the steps would make a great setting for a photo session.. give me a call.

The cathedral runs a great little greenhouse out back. We like to stop there and bring home souviniers to remember our trip and decorate the place. You'll be seeing those pop up in photos in the near future.

It rained all the way home, but we arrived safe and refreshed, and ready for a wedding on Friday. More info on that in the next post.

1 comment:

Sondra said...

Lots of nice shots of D.C. I like the one of George and Martha's place . . . tree and the sky and the distortion . . . it all makes the photo. And the stair . . . very cool!